Foto: © Julia Santoso

What motivates you?
The hunger for authentic liveliness.

The best advice you have ever been given?
“Listen to everything, but always follow your gut decisions.” (Papa)

What are you learning right now that you still have to get good at?
Building an online business and getting more confident in front of the camera (YouTube).

What would you chance if you had the power to do so?
I would allow everybody to live his or her dream.

Which superheroine power would you like to have?
I would love to beam me to places to be able to participate in everything. And I would like to see thoughts become matter faster!

Anastasia Umrik

Author, Coach, Speaker
Request Speaker

Anastasia Umrik fits nearly all criteria of a person on the fringe of society: female, non-German, wheelchair-bound due to a muscular illness. She decided to become just like everybody else at a very young age, come hell or high water. That‘s how strong her wish was to finally find a place, to stand out less and to disappear in the crowd, instead of continually being confronted with her own unfulfilled dreams and external characteristics. So she closed off the door to her intuition and female wisdom, being absolutely sure: This is the way to a simpler life!

Yet, a life that is lived for others is not made to last. After the success of the initiatives „anderStark – Stärke braucht keine Muskeln“ (differently strong: strength needs no muscles) and „inkluWAS – Design, das Denken verändert“ (incluWHAT –Design to change minds), with which she discovered her own creativity, followed a deep abyss of tiredness and lethargy.

Her body refused to be distracted any longer and started to rebel, ceasing to function; the end of the line. After a near-death-experience, Anastasia was forced to re-think her former lifestyle and even her work, needing to find new ways and still express her own truth. She re-prioritized for herself and has since decided to pass her experiences and her individual perspective on the various systems, structures and lifestyles as a coach, speaker, and author.
In her work, Anastasia seldom strives for perfection and politically correctly formulated sentences. She rather focuses on sincerity, authenticity, frequently pausing to reflect: “Who am I and who do I want to have been at the end of my life?”

2021 her book Du bist in einer Krise. Herzlichen Glückwunsch. Jetzt wird alles gut! (You are in a crisis. Congrats! Now everything will get well!”) was published by the S.Fischer Verlag.



Change, new beginnings, individual power, paths and detours of life, inner strength, motivation, self-fulfillment




Impulse lectures


  • IKB
  • Biogen
  • emotion
  • Spotify
  • Brigitte

What motivates you?
The hunger for authentic liveliness.

The best advice you have ever been given?
“Listen to everything, but always follow your gut decisions.” (Papa)

What are you learning right now that you still have to get good at?
Building an online business and getting more confident in front of the camera (YouTube).

What would you chance if you had the power to do so?
I would allow everybody to live his or her dream.

Which superheroine power would you like to have?
I would love to beam me to places to be able to participate in everything. And I would like to see thoughts become matter faster!

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