Gründerin Christiana Bukalo, die zu den Themen Staatsangehörigkeit, Diversität, Integration, politische Teilhabe und Identität Vorträge hält.
Foto: © Toni Reuter

What motivates you?
The belief that humans can learn and change, if we only want to.

The best advice you have ever been given?
Sky is the limit

What are you learning right now that you still have to get good at?
Saying no.

What would you chance if you had the power to do so?
Getting rid of toxic ideologies and narratives that lead to us believing that human well-being and equality are a scarce commodity.

Which superheroine power would you like to have?
Dissolving fears and replacing them with empathy.

Christiana Bukalo

Founder of Statefree
Request Speaker

Christiana Bukalo is the co-founder and initiator of Statefree, the first German-based NGO that comprehensively addresses the issue of statelessness. Statelessness describes the status of individuals without nationality. An estimated 15 million people worldwide are affected by statelessness, with over 122,000 people living in Germany without nationality.

The best advice you have ever been given? As a person who is affected by statelessness despite being born in Germany, Christiana is committed to empowering stateless individuals and creating participation and belonging. Through community building, visibility, and political innovation, Statefree aims to achieve equality for stateless people. Supported by Christiana’s expertise in communication as well as change and diversity management, Statefree develops social and political solutions for dealing with statelessness.
With her work at Statefree, Christiana has been named as one of 100 “Faces of the Future” on the Business Punk Watchlist 2023, and FOCUS Magazine also recognized her as one of the TOP100 Women in 2022.


Statelessness / citizenship, diversity, integration, (political) participation, belonging, identity, political innovation, political emancipation


German, English


Impulse lectures
Panel talks


  • Websummit 2022 : Future Societies Statelessness
  • TEDxTUM 2021: Fighting statelessness with the power of community
  • UNHCR & European Commission: High Level Panel on Statelessness 2021
  • Refuge Worldwide Workshop: Statefree Questioning the meaning of nationality
  • Scholz & Friends

What motivates you?
The belief that humans can learn and change, if we only want to.

The best advice you have ever been given?
Sky is the limit

What are you learning right now that you still have to get good at?
Saying no.

What would you chance if you had the power to do so?
Getting rid of toxic ideologies and narratives that lead to us believing that human well-being and equality are a scarce commodity.

Which superheroine power would you like to have?
Dissolving fears and replacing them with empathy.

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