Trendexpertin, Zukunftsforscherin und Soziologin Christiane Varga, die zu den Themen Lebensräume der Zukunft, Future Mindset und Denkfallen Vorträge hält.

What drives you?
to show people connections that were not visible to them before.

The best advice you ever got?
The wilder the time, the more level-headed you stay. ;)

What are you learning right now that you’re not so good at yet?
Think less.

What would you change if you had the power to do so?
That all people around the world spend just one day focussing exclusively on what they could do good for those around them.

Which superheroine power would you like to have?
focus at the touch of a button.

Christiane Varga

Trend expert, futurologist, sociologist
Request Speaker

Christiane Varga is a speaker, sociologist and futurologist working on the topics of social change, space and design. Her work consists of making changes visible in the present in order to develop new ideas and concepts for the future.

From 2012 – 2017 she was part of the think tank at the Zukunftsinstitut in Vienna and today advises large corporations, companies and municipalities. At the Chair of Industrial Design at FH Joanneum in Graz, she teaches the subject “Design Research”.


Living spaces of the future (rethinking living and working, design and functionality),
Future mindset (recognising patterns of change, solving thinking traps), the challenge of digitalisation (data & power, AI, scenario analysis)



German, English


What drives you?
to show people connections that were not visible to them before.

The best advice you ever got?
The wilder the time, the more level-headed you stay. ;)

What are you learning right now that you’re not so good at yet?
Think less.

What would you change if you had the power to do so?
That all people around the world spend just one day focussing exclusively on what they could do good for those around them.

Which superheroine power would you like to have?
focus at the touch of a button.


Impulse lectures
Panel talks


  • BUWOG Group GmbH, Autumn Talk 2023, Keynote: “Vienna wants to aim high. High-rise residential construction as a space solution?”
  • Female Future Festival Bodensee & Vienna 2023, Keynote: “Working world of the future – How will we work?”
  • Raiffeisen, Immo Day 2023, Keynote: “Future living”
  • WKÖ, Summer Night of Women Entrepreneurs 2023, Keynote: “Courageous & hopeful. How we rethink the future”
  • Hessian Ministry of Economics, Energy, Transport and Housing, Future Congress Hesse 2022, Keynote: “Green, connective and unique: The city of the future as a vital living space”
  • Rueckerconsult GmbH, Investment Expo 2022, Keynote: “Rethinking the future – How will we work and live tomorrow?”
  • Kitzbühel Film Festival, Swimming with the Sharks Panel 2022, panel discussion: “Everything always, everywhere and in excess – the audience in the digital age”
  • SQS (Swiss Association for Quality and Management Systems), 40th company anniversary 2023, keynote: “Future perspectives. What is changing and how we are rethinking the future.”
  • BBA Real Estate Academy, Management Academy Heiligendamm 2023,
    Workshop: “What’s next? How we redesign our living spaces.”
  • Senevita AG, Sene Forum 2022 Keynote: “As usual? New concepts for individualised living in retirement and care facilities”
  • Eurobike, Bike Biz 2022, Keynote: “The changing world: Urban & Future Mobility
  • Television interviews for Arte, 3sat, ORF, ZDF, among others

What drives you?
to show people connections that were not visible to them before.

The best advice you ever got?
The wilder the time, the more level-headed you stay. ;)

What are you learning right now that you’re not so good at yet?
Think less.

What would you change if you had the power to do so?
That all people around the world spend just one day focussing exclusively on what they could do good for those around them.

Which superheroine power would you like to have?
focus at the touch of a button.

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