Social-Tech Gründerin und Cognitive Scientist Dana Pietralla, die zu den Themen Neurodiversity, Inclusion, Women in Tech und Female Founder Vorträge hält.
Credit Deniz Tuzsus

What drives you?
To be a bit better than Dana was a year ago.

The best piece of advice you’ve ever received?
Don’t accept every piece of feedback.

What are you currently learning that you’re not so good at yet?

What would you change if you had the power?
That all people are unbiased towards others.

What superheroine power would you like to have?
Boundless energy.

Dana Pietralla

Social-Tech Founder of paged, Cognitive Scientist
Request Speaker
Dana Pietralla is a tech entrepreneur and cognitive scientist who knows how our cognition works in the digital world. She is founder of paged where she and her team develop solutions for more digital inclusion of neurodiverse people, e.g. with ADHD or dyslexia within companies.
As a tech and diversity speaker, she is present on the world’s biggest stages, such as the OMR Festival in Hamburg, Germany or at SLUSH in Helsinki, Finland, and was selected as ‘Voice of Economic Transformation’ by the Bertelsmann Foundation for her commitment. She has worked with numerous national and international companies, including Deutsche Telekom and Techniker Krankenkasse.
Her startup paged develops consulting and IT tools for companies to digitally empower people with diverse cognitive needs – from which we all benefit! Her research in the field of cognitive science at the best U.S. universities, such as the University of California, Berkeley and New York University, are the scientific basis for her work and expertise.


Neurodiversity, Inclusion, Women in Tech, Female Founder, Social-Tech, Innovation, Cognition


German, English


Impulse lectures
Panel talks


  • OMR, OMR Festival 2023, Keynote: So geht inklusive und nachhaltige Innovation
  • Süddeutsche Zeitung, SZ Nachhaltigkeitsgipfel 2023, Keynote: Digitale Nachhaltigkeit
  • Deutsche Telekom, Digital X 2023, Panel: People First, Tech Second
  • WeAreDevelopers, WAD World Congress 2023, Keynote: Tech meets Inclusion
  • Mission Female, X-Change 2024, Panel: Von der Idee zur Innovation

What drives you?
To be a bit better than Dana was a year ago.

The best piece of advice you’ve ever received?
Don’t accept every piece of feedback.

What are you currently learning that you’re not so good at yet?

What would you change if you had the power?
That all people are unbiased towards others.

What superheroine power would you like to have?
Boundless energy.

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