Paracycling Athletin Denise Schindler, die zu den Themen Motivation, Inspiration, Diversity, Inklusion, Teambuilding und Digitalisierung im Sport Vorträge hält.
© Andrea Kummer

What drives you?
Passion for sport, success, creating things that others wouldn’t have given me credit for.

The best advice you’ve ever gotten?
To start exercising.

What are you learning right now that you’re not so good at yet?
There’s a lot.

What would you change if you had the power?
Peace and justice for all.

Which superheroine power would you like to have?

Denise Schindler

Paracycling athlete
Request Speaker

At the age of two, Denise Schindler loses her lower right leg in an accident. At 18, she discovered cycling and pedaled her way to the top of the world as a para-cyclist. A touching life story of a top athlete that shows what is possible. Thanks to a strong team, wonderful parents, outstanding doctors, perfect medical technicians and her incredible willpower, Denise is able to stand on her “two” legs again. With courage, fighting spirit, perseverance and a lot of motivation, she has managed to overcome resistance and live with her handicap. Her success proves her right: 3 x World Champion and 4 x Paralympic Medals!

Denise has recorded her impressive life story in her book: “On the luck of having bad luck. How to grow from a stroke of fate! My 10 principles for resilience: acceptance, security, self-efficacy, self-confidence, passion, optimism, goals, failure as an opportunity, empathy, love and appreciation.”


Motivation, inspiration, diversity, inclusion, change, values, digitalization in sport, team building



German, English


Impulse lectures
Panel talks
Video formats


  • Allianz
  • Finanzinformtik
  • Miele
  • Siemens
  • SAP
  • adidas
  • Würth
  • Wirtschaftsgipfel

What drives you?
Passion for sport, success, creating things that others wouldn’t have given me credit for.

The best advice you’ve ever gotten?
To start exercising.

What are you learning right now that you’re not so good at yet?
There’s a lot.

What would you change if you had the power?
Peace and justice for all.

Which superheroine power would you like to have?

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