What drives you?
Justice or honestly: It’s the injustice that makes me foxy and driven.

The best advice you ever got?
Problems are solved when they are there. Everything else is drama.

What are you currently learning that you’re not so good at yet?
To be as good a friend to myself as I am to others.

What would you change if you had the power?
Rewrite the history books and the Bible and give credits to all the women and their achievements.

Which superheroine power would you like to have?
I’d love to be able to stop the nasty voices in people’s heads (and mine) with nose wiggling.

Edith Löhle

Journalist, author, initiator of the granny platform HeyNana.de
Request Speaker

Edith Löhle found her way into journalism after leaving school through a talent search for the cult youth magazine Bravo. In her twenties, she jetted around the world as a gossip reporter before finally finding herself: She turned her back on the tabloids to focus more and more on what drives her in her private life: intersectional feminism. From then on, her work focused on creating healthy and diverse images of women. As head writer at the German launch of Refinery29.com, most recently as editor-in-chief of NYLON Germany and BLONDE magazine, and now as a freelance writer (FAZ, Spiegel, Emotion, among others), she writes about content that inspires people to go their own way. In 2019, she also launched the HeyNana.de platform, which promotes intergenerational exchange between granddaughters and grandmothers. In 2022, she made her first TV documentary, “Programmed Injustice” for ZDF, which was nominated for a German Television Award.


Intersectional feminism, generational appreciation, media power relations (sexism in editorial offices, misogyny in reporting, lack of diversity), female leadership, female mentoring, abolition of traditional role models






Panel talks


  • NGO “Warchild”, workshop “The Power of Storytelling”
  • NGO “Plan International”, #girlsgetloud, live talk (panel)
  • Soho House’s Art x Lux Conference, live talk with artist
  • Uniqlo x The Art Gorgeous, Talk, Theme: “SHARE LOVE”
  • Balblina x YouTube x BLONDE, Panel, “Matriarchy”
  • Womaniser, talk series, “O-Talk – female sexuality”
  • Ovy, Panel, “Sexual Health”
  • Knesebeck Verlag, moderation, book launch of “Einfach machen – Der Guide für Gründerinnen”
  • UN Women “Circle Of Trust” Moderation, laudation Lower Saxony Media Prize 2023, Jury and laudation Juliane Bartel Media Prize 2022 & 2023
  • Book: “Bible Bad Ass”

What drives you?
Justice or honestly: It’s the injustice that makes me foxy and driven.

The best advice you ever got?
Problems are solved when they are there. Everything else is drama.

What are you currently learning that you’re not so good at yet?
To be as good a friend to myself as I am to others.

What would you change if you had the power?
Rewrite the history books and the Bible and give credits to all the women and their achievements.

Which superheroine power would you like to have?
I’d love to be able to stop the nasty voices in people’s heads (and mine) with nose wiggling.

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