Gründerin und Startup Mom Ekaterina Arlt-Kalthoff, die zu den Themen Mütter gründen anders, Female Empowerment und Gründen von frauengeführten Startups Vorträge hält.
Foto: © Michael Lübke

What motivates you?
Enthuse more women for the start-up world. Leave the small business world and enter the start-up cosmos. Female empowerment.

The best advice you have ever been given?
Just do it.

What are you learning right now that you still have to get good at?

What would you chance if you had the power to do so?
More recognition for mothers in working life. More diversity in our economy. More female start-up founders; more women entrepreneurs who follow their female intuition, thus creating the balance in our economy.

Which superheroine power would you like to have?
I struggle with idols and I do not believe in superheroines. I believe that every person forges their own destiny. Which means that every one of us is already a superheroine that can influence her own life.

Ekaterina Arlt-Kalthoff

Founder of Mami Poppins & Start-Up MOM with Germany‘s 1. MOM Accelerator
Request Speaker

The business school graduate worked as a marketing manager for a long time before starting her own business in loyalty marketing in 2006. Her clients included companies such as BOSCH, Haufe Akademie and the AOK.
After the birth of her child, she took a leap into the start-up world by founding Germany’s first and now best-known pram rental company “Mami Poppins”.
Since the start of the Corona pandemic in 2020, she has supported women in business by launching the first accelerator programme for female founders with children.


Mothers found differently, founding of female-led start-ups, activating female empowerment in businesses, brand boldness – this is how you become and expert in your industry, empowerment for female entrepreneurs.




Impulse lectures
Panel talks


  • 2008-2013
  • BOSCH Sicherheitstechnik, Hamburg, various workshops about customer service & customer loyalty as a sales tool
  • DEKRA Akademie, Stuttgart, 2 workshops on the topic of customer loyalty
  • Haufe Akademie, workshop “Recommendations are pure Gold”
  • AOK Rheinland, Hamburg, lecture about client acquisition by word of mouth
  • BVMW, Münster
  • Baumit event in Obersdorf 2011
  • 21. Wein Marketing day 2014
  • 2014 start-up launch Mami Poppins
  • Various pitches
  • 2020 Europe-wide campaign as founder of Mami Poppins and META, incl. video shoot for the promotion of the cooperation of Mami Poppins and Facebook (META)
  • Since 2020: Speaker assignments representing StartUp MOM and the MOM Accelerator
  • Start-up week Düsseldorf,
  • Soon to come: Founder hub, currently recording videos for the area of mompreneurs
  • Madame Moneypenny podcast Nov 2021
  • KfW Bank 2022

What motivates you?
Enthuse more women for the start-up world. Leave the small business world and enter the start-up cosmos. Female empowerment.

The best advice you have ever been given?
Just do it.

What are you learning right now that you still have to get good at?

What would you chance if you had the power to do so?
More recognition for mothers in working life. More diversity in our economy. More female start-up founders; more women entrepreneurs who follow their female intuition, thus creating the balance in our economy.

Which superheroine power would you like to have?
I struggle with idols and I do not believe in superheroines. I believe that every person forges their own destiny. Which means that every one of us is already a superheroine that can influence her own life.

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