Coachin, Autorin und Moderatorin Eva Klein, die zu den Themen Biografie, Teamwork, Führung, Beziehung und Kommunikation Vorträge hält.

What drives you?
To help strengthen a society in which people live up to their potential, children are allowed to be children and men and women feel valuable – at work and in their private relationships, but especially as a couple.

The best advice you’ve ever received?
It’s all inside you.

What are you learning that you’re not so good at yet?

What would you change if you had the power to do so?
The education system. Completely. Once everything new.

What superheroine power would you like to have?
Definitely flying – I love being on the road and skipping the travel routes while protecting the environment: definitely a superheroine power!

Eva Klein

Coach, author, moderator
Request Speaker

Eva has a degree in Media Management and has been a Life & Success Coach for over 13 years. Her driving force is the revolution of education, the understanding of leadership in companies and a world in which we treat each other based on human values. For her mission she is live in 1:1, in front of the camera and on stages.

With psycho-logical subtlety and a large portion of humor, she approaches her interlocutors and her audience in an entertaining way, even in panel discussions Eva makes sure that heavy content becomes transferred easily.

In her coachings Eva helps when inner saboteurs block the path to success and situational communication needs to be designed in a goal-oriented way.

She is convinced that true success begins within every individual and finds its realization in the community. The more people recognize their inner leadership power and consciously shape their roles, the more successful we will be as a society.

What does personal growth look like?
Why is it a revolution that makes evolution possible?
And at the same time, why is everyone perfect the way they are?


Teamwork, leadership, relationship, communication, authenticity and visibility, success and fulfillment, equality and integrity, your personal biography as a guarantee for success, society begins in your microcosm.




German, English


Impulse lectures
Panel talks


  • GedankenTanken, Keynote, “Why your employees leave your company”
  • TEDx, Keynote, “Superboom – Finding and living love after 40”
  •  Lufthansa, Keynote, “Leadership 4.0”
  • Aareon, Keynote, “Employee loyalty through family-friendly corporate structures”
  • Prowin, Keynote, “Successful selling through self-leadership”
  • K5, Keynote, “Winning the war for talents”
  • Female in Retail, Keynote, “Women into visibility”
  • Mainz City Marketing, Mainz Forum, Mainz Market Talks/
    Entrepreneur forum, moderation, “Successfully shaping the succession process”
  • Sat.1, Face your addiction – TV host for intervention program
  • ZDF, expert for families in Corona times

What drives you?
To help strengthen a society in which people live up to their potential, children are allowed to be children and men and women feel valuable – at work and in their private relationships, but especially as a couple.

The best advice you’ve ever received?
It’s all inside you.

What are you learning that you’re not so good at yet?

What would you change if you had the power to do so?
The education system. Completely. Once everything new.

What superheroine power would you like to have?
Definitely flying – I love being on the road and skipping the travel routes while protecting the environment: definitely a superheroine power!

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