What drives you?
Better human – better world! Everyone can change something for the better. If we were all in abundance, many problems would not exist today.

The best advice you ever got?
It’s never too late to start something great.

What are you learning right now that you’re not so good at yet?
Let go.

What would you change if you had the power to do so?
That everyone truly loves themselves.

What superheroine power would you like to have?
A photographic memory, so I can speak a lot of languages.

Janina Felix

Mentor for women in leadership, trainer & coach, owner of HEP Academy
Request Speaker

Janina Felix has been a mentor for women in leadership, a leadership trainer and an executive coach at eye level for over 15 years. She supports women in particular in recognizing their self-worth so that they can go their own way with confidence and authenticity. Without bending!

With her work, she is committed to ensuring that 50% of women in German SME’ss in C-level and managing director positions in German SMEs. In her lifetime. Not because women are better, but because in many places we need a more diverse kind of
leadership, a more feminine one, one with different approaches than the current one. She believes that we need women who are aware of their value. Her podcast “Leadership Inspiration” has been online since 2018 and since last year she has reached thousands of readers with her “Letter of Inspiration” Stories from everyday life, actionable impulses and always with a pinch of humor. Janina lives with her husband and their two teenage children Oscar and Jette and her dog Elli, in her absolute favorite city of choice, Hamburg.


Self-esteem in women in leadership, leadership and spirituality, emotional leadership, developing teams further together (only as a workshop)




Impulse lectures


  • Coca Cola, mentor for women in leadership, individual and group coaching sessions
  • Hans im Glück, Lumina Spark as a scientific tool for more self-management and togetherness, team days in presence
  • Refuelling your thoughts, Volksbühne speaker night: “Leadership and gratitude”
  • FOODSERVICE women’s network, annual conference: “Self-esteem, a little more of it is welcome”
  • Leadersclub, Gastro Session, “Diversity as an opportunity – the future is made of courage”

What drives you?
Better human – better world! Everyone can change something for the better. If we were all in abundance, many problems would not exist today.

The best advice you ever got?
It’s never too late to start something great.

What are you learning right now that you’re not so good at yet?
Let go.

What would you change if you had the power to do so?
That everyone truly loves themselves.

What superheroine power would you like to have?
A photographic memory, so I can speak a lot of languages.

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