Gründerin und HR-Consultant Johanna Geisler, die zu den Themen Recruiting neu gedacht, Corporate Influencing und Candidate Experience Vorträge hält.

What drives you?
To show the world that good recruiting & employer branding can be implemented without a big budget.

The best piece of advice you’ve ever received?
Don’t let anything stop you – your inner fire is too big for that.

What are you currently learning that you’re not so good at yet?
After 10 years in various corporates, agencies and management consultancies with a tightly scheduled working week, I’m currently learning how I can finally reconcile my job and my private life through deep work phases and regular breaks.

What would you change if you had the power to do so?
To make all the bad application processes, which unfortunately still happen far too often, more personal and efficient and thus combat the shortage of skilled workers.

What superhero power would you like to have?

Johanna Geisler

HR-Consultant for Recruiting & Employer Branding, Founder JOGE
Request Speaker

Johanna Geisler is a passionate recruiting and employer branding expert, author and speaker. Whether corporate, medium-sized or start-up – she puts her heart and soul into advising companies, preferably in the area of talent attraction, and shows practical implementation options for the future of recruiting through workshops for personal branding and corporate influencing. In 2023, she spoke at the DRX Recruiting Conference and the RC Festival about innovative recruiting channels and super-power content creation in recruitment. She is co-author of the books: Future ready People & Culture: HR as a driver of digitalization, and TRUST ME – Why trust is the future of work. In 2022, she also launched the two volunteer projects HR Social & Learning Club for students and the After Work Social Club, where she can fully pursue her passion for connecting people with each other.


Recruiting re-thought, corporate influencing, candidate experience, application processes, social media as part of recruiting & employer branding




Impulse lectures
Panel talks


  • Territory GmbH, RC-Festival 2023, Keynote: “Recruiting goes Content Creation – The Superpower of Personal Brands on LinkedIn”
  • Digital Beat GmbH, DRX 2023, Keynote: “Recruiting rethought – How Bumble, WhatsApp and Co. take your talent acquisition to the next level”


What drives you?
To show the world that good recruiting & employer branding can be implemented without a big budget.

The best piece of advice you’ve ever received?
Don’t let anything stop you – your inner fire is too big for that.

What are you currently learning that you’re not so good at yet?
After 10 years in various corporates, agencies and management consultancies with a tightly scheduled working week, I’m currently learning how I can finally reconcile my job and my private life through deep work phases and regular breaks.

What would you change if you had the power to do so?
To make all the bad application processes, which unfortunately still happen far too often, more personal and efficient and thus combat the shortage of skilled workers.

What superhero power would you like to have?

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