Zukunftsforscherin, Gründerin und Autorin Jule Bosch, die zu den Themen Nachhaltigkeit als Innovationsfaktor, Zukunftsforschung und Unternehmer*innentum Vorträge hält.
© Andreas Gebert

What drives you?

The best advice you ever got?

What are you currently learning that you are not yet so good at?
Feeling hope and despair at the same time.

What would you change if you had the power to do so?
Turn down dystopias & turn up utopias.

Which superheroine power would you like to have?
Make rain.

Jule Bosch

Futurologist, founder, author
Request Speaker

Business activist Jule Bosch has a clear mission: to transform companies from being a problem for the planet to being a lever for ecosystem regeneration, and in doing so, not only to be successfully sustainable, but to also be successful sustainably. As an independent futurologist, innovation consultant and speaker, she ensures that sustainability is recognized as a disruptive force and, above all, as a business potential. With this as the basis for her consulting work, she helps companies make the big transformation. Together with her partner (in life, crime & business), she founded the award-winning biodiversity startup HOLYCRAB! and wrote the book “ÖKOnomie” (ECOnomics), published by Campus Verlag.


Sustainability as an innovation factor & strategic opportunity, trend & futurology, business model innovation, regenerative economy, entrepreneurship, purpose


German, English


Impulse lectures
Panel talks


  • Share
  • DGNB
  • Vodafone
  • Telefonica
  • Völkel
  • Gemeinwohlökonomie
  • WKÖ
  • IHK
  • NRW Bank
  • IFA
  • Radiozentrale
  • Baum eV
  • Trelleborg Sealing Solutions
  • Melitta

What drives you?

The best advice you ever got?

What are you currently learning that you are not yet so good at?
Feeling hope and despair at the same time.

What would you change if you had the power to do so?
Turn down dystopias & turn up utopias.

Which superheroine power would you like to have?
Make rain.

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