Freie Journalistin, Autorin und Moderatorin Julia Hackober, die zu den Themen Stil, Reise, Trends, Popkultur und Journalismus der Zukunft Vorträge hält.

What drives you?
Journalistic curiosity! I find pretty much every topic interesting at first.

The best advice you’ve ever received?
“You can”: I think it is very, very important to be encouraged by those around you again and again in order to build up a belief in yourself.

What are you currently learning that you’re not so good at yet?
I don’t always get so upset when something annoys me — whether in private or on the big social stage.

What would you change if you had the power?
Closing the gender pay gap.

What superheroine power would you like to have?
Flying à la Wonder Woman. Travelling (i.e. taking the train, flying, driving) always makes me rather nervous, so I would welcome any opportunity to get from A to B more quickly and easily. 

Julia Hackober

Freelance journalist, author, presenter
Request Speaker

Julia Hackober is a journalist and founder based in Berlin. In 2022 she founded her own media brand to promote innovation in lifestyle journalism: SUNDAY DELIGHT is a journalistically ambitious newsletter magazine that entertains thousands of readers with a curation of newsworthy lifestyle, pop culture and society stories. As a freelance writer, Julia is a renowned style and culture critic. She’s a regular contributor to Stern magazine and a columnist for “manager magazine”.

Julia is a smart, charming, and savvy moderator with extensive experience in moderating talk formats that require journalistic expertise and precision. She loves to host panel talks, interviews, and podcasts. In 2024 she hosted the podcast “Nachhaltig Nachgefragt”, a production of the Biohotels brand.

In her speaking engagements, Julia regularly talks about solopreneurship, entrepreneurial thinking in journalism and innovation in the media industry. In addition, she’s an expert on topics such as work-life balance and how to create a career path in and with style.

Julia Hackober advocates business-oriented mindsets amongst creatives and journalists. In her spare time, she is a member of the reverse mentoring network FeMentor and promotes democratic values among young people as part of the initiative pics4peace e.V. She co-founded the network Fine Writers Society for writers in the arts and culture. In 2023 she was appointed as a jury member for the Axel Springer Prize for Young Journalism. Julia is an alumna of the renowned Media Innovation Program powered by Hamburg Media School x Meta (class of 2024).


Style, Travel, Trends, Popculture Future of Journalism, Innovation in Media, Solopreneurship, entrepreneurial thinking for creatives, networking, womens’ careers, work life balance




German, English


Impulse lectures
Panel talks


  • 2024: podcast host „Nachhaltig Nachgefragt“ (a podcast about the future of travel, powered by Biohotels)
  • 2024: multiple speaker engagements with regard to topics like solopreneurship and media innovation, e.g. “Creatorway Podcast”, „Be your brand Podcast”, „Die Podcast Reportage“, „Druckausgleich“
  • 2024: presenter training with tv presenter Petra Neftel, Hamburg
  • Moderation of the video podcast “Mach doch mal! The hobby vodcast” for styleproofedTV
  • Moderation of the ICONISTA AWARDS (2021)
  • Several moderating gigs as an WELT editor (2016-2022), e.g. live moderation at “Better Future Conference” 2020 and 2021, live podcast moderation, podcast moderation (The Real Word, 2017-2022)

What drives you?
Journalistic curiosity! I find pretty much every topic interesting at first.

The best advice you’ve ever received?
“You can”: I think it is very, very important to be encouraged by those around you again and again in order to build up a belief in yourself.

What are you currently learning that you’re not so good at yet?
I don’t always get so upset when something annoys me — whether in private or on the big social stage.

What would you change if you had the power?
Closing the gender pay gap.

What superheroine power would you like to have?
Flying à la Wonder Woman. Travelling (i.e. taking the train, flying, driving) always makes me rather nervous, so I would welcome any opportunity to get from A to B more quickly and easily. 

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