Foto: Katja Hentschel

What motivates you?
Inspiration, energy, authentic encounters. The wish to make a difference.

The best advice you have ever been given?
You don‘t have to be “like a man” to have success. You are allowed to bring your female elements to the job. Be true to yourself.

What are you learning right now that you still have to get good at?
Patience. And, hopefully soon, playing the piano.

What would you chance if you had the power to do so?
Global solutions for the climate situation. And more women in key positions.

Which superheroine power would you like to have?

Julia Kopper

Founder and Managing Partner of muxmäuschenwild & co-initiator of MMW VOICES
Request Speaker

Julia Kopper studied applied communication and media sciences before working as a TV and movie production manager in Germany and abroad for several years. In 2007 she focused on her second mainstay of PR and marketing. She managed the business in the Berlin branch of a Solingen-based PR agency and was later responsible for the brand development of Berlin’s Malzfabrik.

In 2013, she founded the communications agency muxmäuschenwild and now employs almost 20 people in the areas of PR, events, brand and creation. Following a year of parental leave, she started sharing the management of the agency with Theresa Vorberg in a job-sharing model in 2019. In 2023, they launched MMW VOICES: a new agency for female speakers.

In addition to her professional ambitions, Julia is a loving mother, a passionate hostess and a part-time doula. In this capacity, she supports women and couples before, during and after the birth of their child on an emotional and mental level.


Female foundership / Founding as a woman, entrepreneurship, leadership, job sharing, part-time, communication, brand strategy, branding, PR, event, new forms of obstetrics in the Western world, birthing as a strengthening experience


German, English


Impulse lectures
Panel talks


  • Projektin – the conference by and for female entrepreneurs: Impulse lecture “Authentic Leadership: Herausforderung Personal” (Authentic Leadership: The Staffing Challenge)
  • OWM (Organisation Werbungtreibende im Markenverband): Fireside chat with Dr. Uwe Vorkötter (editor-in-chief Horizont magazine) on the topic of „Haltung in der Markenkommunikation: Fake or Future?“ (Attitude in brand communication: Fake or future?)
  • Workshop presentation and moderation

What motivates you?
Inspiration, energy, authentic encounters. The wish to make a difference.

The best advice you have ever been given?
You don‘t have to be “like a man” to have success. You are allowed to bring your female elements to the job. Be true to yourself.

What are you learning right now that you still have to get good at?
Patience. And, hopefully soon, playing the piano.

What would you chance if you had the power to do so?
Global solutions for the climate situation. And more women in key positions.

Which superheroine power would you like to have?

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