Gründerin Karin Heinzl, die zu den Themen Mentoring, Personalentwicklung, Corporate Social Responsibility und Volunteering Vorträge hält.

What drives you?
The passion to bring mentoring to the world.

The best advice you’ve ever gotten?
Make it easy.

What are you learning right now that you’re not so good at yet?

What would you change if you had the power to do so?
That women do not have any self-doubt.

Which superheroine power would you like to have?
Convince everyone. ;-)

Karin Heinzl

Founder of MentorMe
Request Speaker

Karin Heinzl founded the social enterprise MentorMe – alone and without any previous business experience. She previously studied communication and political management and worked internationally in the fields of education, politics and development work. MentorMe successfully brings job-seeking women together with the world of work through individual mentoring, practical training and events. In this way, the women find a vocation in their profession and companies come into contact with female talent at an early stage. MentorMe has grown from 40 mentees in 2015 to over 5,000 mentees and mentors in 2023 and over 220 events per program year. Karin Heinzl is also a member of the board of the German Society for Mentoring, a member of the UN Women Austria Committee and a TEDx speaker and consultant.


Mentoring, personnel development, corporate social responsibility, corporate volunteering, networking, entrepreneurship/female entrepreneurship, social entrepreneurship




German, English


Impulse lectures
Panel talks


  • TEDx, TEDx TALK, “Why we should all be mentees and mentors”
  • DKB, TogetHER Diversity Week, “Mentoring & wie es dich weiterbringen kann”
  • GIZ, We4Lead, “Mentoring: An effective development tool”, “Role of Mentees & Mentors”, “How can you get the best of your mentoring?”
  • Schwarzkopf, Frauen30, Podiums-Speakerin zu “It takes 2”
  • Henkel, Rise, “Mentoring – a fantastic people development tool”
  • Deutsche Gesellschaft für Mentoring (DFM), Jahrestagung, “Corporate Branging”
  • Bundeswehr, 1/2 Jahres Event des internen Mentoringprogramms, „Erfolgreiches Networking“
  • Facebook, She creates, Podiums-Speakerin zu “Was Frauen erreichen”
  • FDP, Female future Conference, “Die Power von Networking & Mentoring”
  • UN Women, Women Ambassador Forum,”How to get YOUR right mentor”
  • Berliner Unternehmerinnen-Akademie Netzwerken, Event, “Mentoring – your super power”
  • Social Academy School, Congress, “Erfolgreiches Community und Ehrenamtsmanagement”
  • University Göttingen, Uni-Vortrag, “Social Entrepreneurship”
  • ILG Group, Summer Event, “Networking for Professional Development”
  • WHU, Women in Business, “Mentorship – the key to unlock your potential”
  • Friedrich Naumann Stiftung, Kick off dens Mentoringprogramms, “Erfolgreich Netzwerken”
  • Viadrina, Gründerzentrum, “How to found a company as female solo founder”

What drives you?
The passion to bring mentoring to the world.

The best advice you’ve ever gotten?
Make it easy.

What are you learning right now that you’re not so good at yet?

What would you change if you had the power to do so?
That women do not have any self-doubt.

Which superheroine power would you like to have?
Convince everyone. ;-)

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