What drives you?
Passion, curiosity, asking questions, creativity, logic, solution-orientation, wanting to make things possible and more female visibility in the tech sector: for me, I find all of this at the interface between art and technology.
The best advice you’ve ever been given?
It’s ok to be scared, but do it anyway. And, at least as liberating: strengthen your strengths! (Much more effective than “working on” your own weaknesses…)
What are you currently learning that you’re not so good at yet?
Speaking French. I’ve been meaning to do that for so long, but never seriously tackled it before. But now I have!
What would you change if you had the power to do so?
That Germany will once again catch up in terms of the digitalisation of the German school system.
What superheroine power would you like to have?
Clearly: Being in two places at once.
Kerstin Gold
Kerstin Gold is a Berlin-based strategy advisor who works at the intersection of art and technology. With an in-depth understanding of the art industry, a keen interest in emerging technologies, and a strong passion for art, she provides strategic guidance to the art ecosystem. She advises art market players such as galleries, institutions, and foundations on digital transformation and business model innovation, and serves as a start-up advisor for culturetech and arttech ventures at VC accelerator programmes.
She is also co-founder and author of the ART+TECH Report, an independent research initiative that has been analyzing the impact of technology on the art industry since 2020. As a strong advocate for greater diversity in the tech space, Kerstin’s expertise extends to speaking engagements bridging the art, business, and technology realms, as well as leading the Berlin chapter of Women in Blockchain Talks. She lives in Berlin with her family.
Kerstin Gold holds a diploma in business administration and is a certified systemic business coach. In recent years, she has completed numerous advanced studies, including the two full-scholarship programs “DLT Talents” and “NFT Talents” ( Blockchain Center-Frankfurt School of Finance), “From Net Art to Beeple: NFTs in Context” und “A Comprehensive Guide To Understanding NFTs” (Christie’s Education), “Digital Transformation in the Art Market” und “Art Market Data Analysis” (ArtTactic Lab), “Management in the Art Market” (Freie Universität Berlin), “Curatorial Studies” (Universität der Künste, Berlin), “Augmented Reality in the Cultural Sector” (HTW Berlin), “Social Media in Art and Fashion” (Frieze Academy, London) and “History of Art” (University of Cambridge, UK).
The future of the art market, Digitalisation in the art market, Art+Tech, Art and technology, Art and NFTs/Web3, AI and art, The influence of technology on art, Art collectors and art collecting, Women in Tech
German, English
Kreativ-Transfer,Webinar (2025): “Neue Wege im Internationalen Kunstmarkt“ (“New paths in the international art market”)
Sotheby’s Institute of Art, Online lecture (2024): “Collecting and Ownership in the Age of Web3”
Onchain Art Day, Panel Talk (2024): “Building ArtTech – On the Digital Infrastructure for Art”
Frankfurt School Blockchain Center, Online Panel (2024): ARTeCHÓ – “Policy Dialogue: Enabling Blockchain Technology for the Creative Industry”
- MyArtBroker (2024), Women in Art & Tech Panel Discussion (2024): “Making The Art Market Transparent & Accessible”
- RSM Ebner Stolz @ Art Karlsruhe, Keynote (2024): “Between code and creativity. How AI is redefining the boundaries of art”
- NBX Berlin, panel discussion (2023): “Art in the Digital Age”
- w3.vision @ DMEXCO, Panel Discussion (2023): “Web3 and the Evolution of Digital Art: Exploring the Boundaries”
- Tezos & Spike Art, Deep Salon Speakers Series, Panel Discussion (2023): “How Web3 Is Changing Art Collecting”
- Art Basel x Tezos, Panel Discussion (2022): “The Collectors Conversation – NFT Art Edition”
- Federal Association of German Galleries, Annual Convention, Keynote (2022): “Unlocking Future Potential. On the future of (digital) art collecting
- Swiss Art Market Association, Annual Convention, Keynote (2022): “Digitalisation in the art market. How collecting and collectors are changing”
- Berlin Partners, Blockchain Week, Panel Discussion (2022): “XR / NFT. Drivers of the Metaverse”
What drives you?
Passion, curiosity, asking questions, creativity, logic, solution-orientation, wanting to make things possible and more female visibility in the tech sector: for me, I find all of this at the interface between art and technology.
The best advice you’ve ever been given?
It’s ok to be scared, but do it anyway. And, at least as liberating: strengthen your strengths! (Much more effective than “working on” your own weaknesses…)
What are you currently learning that you’re not so good at yet?
Speaking French. I’ve been meaning to do that for so long, but never seriously tackled it before. But now I have!
What would you change if you had the power to do so?
That Germany will once again catch up in terms of the digitalisation of the German school system.
What superheroine power would you like to have?
Clearly: Being in two places at once.