Unternehmerin, Aktivistin und Autorin Lisa Jaspers, die zu den Themen Soziale Gerechtigkeit, Umwelt und Klima, Klassismus und Armut Vorträge hält.
Foto: Catherine Schroeder

What motivates you?
Transforming the economy.

The best advice you have ever been given?
Not to take criticism too seriously from people who do not “venture out” themselves.

What are you learning right now that you still have to get good at?
Loving myself.

What would you chance if you had the power to do so?
Radically re-distributing wealth.

Which superheroine power would you like to have?
Deep sleep.

Lisa Jaspers

Entrepreneur, Author, Activist
Request Speaker

Lisa Jaspers founded FOLKDAYS together with her friend Kimon Haars. The goal: to make fair trade in Germany attractive (more) for a younger, design-savvy target group. Previously, she worked for OXFAM and an international consulting firm. She studied political science and development economics at the Free University of Berlin and the London School of Economics.

In the meantime, Lisa runs FOLKDAYS together with a team of eight, with whom she continuously works on implementing their idea and developing the company.
Lisa is not only an entrepreneur, but also an activist. She is a regular guest at events and on panels where she speaks about sustainable consumption and social entrepreneurship. She is also the initiator of the #fairbylaw petition on Change.org.

Together with her friend Naomi Ryland, co-founder of tbd*, Lisa wrote the business book Starting a Revolution – What we can learn from female entrepreneurs about the future of business in 2019. Since starting their businesses, Lisa and Naomi had been searching for business tips and role models, but little of the advice they received from the start-up world or read in business books seemed up to the challenges of our time – challenges like climate change, deeply divided societies, growing inequality and a disillusioned, burnt-out workforce. So they set out to find new ideas and new role models, focusing on a group of people who have been underrepresented in business as well as business literature: Women.

In 2022, another joint book project was published, this time Naomi and Lisa were in the role of joint editors. Unlearn Patriarchy is an anthology with contributions from 14 other people, with chapters like “Unlearn Language”, “Unlearn Love” or “Unlearn Power”. The aim of the book is to offer concrete assistance to enable the active unlearning of patriarchal structures in our everyday lives and making room for something new.


Social justice, classism, poverty, perspectives of half-orphans and working-class kids, nature & climate, scisnce communication, women‘s rights*


German, English


Impulse lectures
Panel talks


  • Keynotes and workshops for Leipzig university, Facebook, Senacor, Patagonia, FSG Berlin, Fair Trade Deutschland, GIG7
  • Workshops and lectures on the topic of “Unlearn Business – Was müssen wir verlernen damit Wirtschaft wirklich menschenzentriert funktioniert.” (Unlearn Business – What do we have to unlearn to make the economy work in a human-centric way)
  • Inputs on #Fairbylaw and fair supply chains, or simply about sustainable founding.

What motivates you?
Transforming the economy.

The best advice you have ever been given?
Not to take criticism too seriously from people who do not “venture out” themselves.

What are you learning right now that you still have to get good at?
Loving myself.

What would you chance if you had the power to do so?
Radically re-distributing wealth.

Which superheroine power would you like to have?
Deep sleep.

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