Interkulturelle Trainerin und Moderatorin Margaux Richet, die Vorträge zu den Themen Non-formale Bildung, Internationale Jugendarbeit und Storytelling hält.

What drives you?
Enable diverse and interactive dialogue spaces.

The best advice you’ve ever been given?
Do one thing at a time. Do it fully and completely. Put space between things.

What are you currently learning that you are not yet so good at?

What would you change if you had the power to do so?
EU migration policy.

Which superheroine power would you like to have?
Be able to speak all languages.

Margaux Richet

Intercultural trainer, moderator, storyteller-performer
Request Speaker

Margaux Richet was born in France. She spent her childhood in Lagos, Nigeria and Seoul, South Korea. These periods of life have had a strong influence on her and made her curious about other cultures and (his)stories. In France she studied international trade, social and humanitarian management and history of Art.

Since 2005 Margaux has been working as an intercultural facilitator and conference moderator in the field of civic education in Germany, Europe and internationally. She has also been performing as a storyteller since 2020.

One of her focus areas include “communication and multilingualism in an intercultural or international context” and “various interactive – learning – formats”. She gives workshops and advises conferences on these topics.


Lifelong learning, Non-formal education, International youth work, Interculturality,
Exile & Migration, 19 SDGs-Sustainable Development Goals 2030 United Nations, Storytelling


German, English, French




Impulse lectures
Panel talks
Group coaching


  • re:publica GmbH, #rp23 “CASH” Berlin 2023, Stage Host
  • IJAB – Fachstelle für Internationale Jugendarbeit der Bundesrepublik Deutschland e.V., BarCamp “Protection Concepts and International Youth Work” Kassel 2023, Moderation
  • Hirschfeld-Eddy Foundation, kick-off event ” Do no harm ” 2022, moderation
  • One World Network NRW, One World State Conference (LaKo) 2022 for gender equality and empowerment & the LaKo 2021 “Learning through crises – rethinking one world”, moderation
  • Adult education centres, “WebLearningDay II – “Conference of the Berlin VHS on digitalisation in adult education” Berlin 2019, moderation
  • Rosa-Luxemburg Foundation Belgium, 2019, Panel debate “What’s Left of the past? Revisiting ideas for an emancipatory and united Europe” Moderation
  • Bozar, Centre for Fine Arts, ECDPM – European Centre for Development Policy Management, More Europe, EUNIC Global, Brussels-Belgium 2015, Roundtable “Are we really intercultural?”, Moderation
  • Campus Naturalis, Ida Project of the Employment Agency 2012, Keynote “Intercultural Competences, Labour Market and Integration”
  • Search for Common Ground, “Youth Politics in Europe” Skopje-Macedonia 2008, Keynote “Youth and Non formal Education”


What drives you?
Enable diverse and interactive dialogue spaces.

The best advice you’ve ever been given?
Do one thing at a time. Do it fully and completely. Put space between things.

What are you currently learning that you are not yet so good at?

What would you change if you had the power to do so?
EU migration policy.

Which superheroine power would you like to have?
Be able to speak all languages.

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