Co-Founderin, Autorin und Leadership Mentorin Mounira Latrache, die zu den Themen Leadership, achtsame Führung und Mentale Gesundheit Vorträge hält.
Foto: Privat

What motivates you?
Being at service. Shaping a better (business) world for the next generations.

The best advice you have ever been given?
Your title doesn’t matter, what matters is who you are and what you do.

What are you learning right now that you still have to get good at?
Playing the guitar.

What would you chance if you had the power to do so?
Personal and systemic/societal transformation: from focus on financial growth, performance and power to co-creation, trust and conscious togetherness and the regenerative use of our planet.

Which superheroine power would you like to have?
A deep understanding of the knowledge of the universe.

Mounira Latrache

Co-founder of Connected Business, Author, Leadership Mentor
Request Speaker

Mounira Latrache is a renowned expert in mindfulness-based self- and co-leadership. She has over 20 years of experience in leadership positions at international brands such as Google, Red Bull and BMW. She pioneered the mindfulness movement at Google, whose success led her to share Mindful Leadership with others and train teams in companies worldwide.

As co-founder and CEO of Connected Business, a member of the Mindful Leadership Institute and an internationally certified Search Inside Yourself trainer, she gives keynotes and trainings on Mindfulness-based emotional intelligence & self and co-leadership around the world.

Mounira’s vision is to find new ways of togetherness that empower people in their authenticity and create solutions for the next seven generations. In recent years, she has reached over 30,000 managers and leaders worldwide and trained hundreds of trainers. Her book Connected Business: How I Learned to Lead Myself and Others was published by Ariston/Randomhouse Publishing in April 2020.

Mounira was born and raised in Germany as the daughter of a Tunisian guest worker family. Her migration background has shaped her in many ways, including wanting to disrupt existing concepts.

In the world of work, she was repeatedly faced with the challenge of finding a way between existing – often unwritten – rules and her authentic values. When she realised how many people felt the same way, she knew how important it was to talk openly about it.

Mounira’s talks address exactly this core issue. Her style of speaking is passionate, authentic, courageous, honest, “real” and humorous. She interweaves topics that dwell from her own well-informed business experience (compassionate leadership, dealing with complexity and overwhelm, trust and empowerment in teams) and her experience with inner work (shadow work, coaching, conditioning, mindfulness, indigenous cultures).


Leadership of the new paradigm, authentic / empathetic / woke leadership, authentic (self-)leadership, awareness in the business context, mental health, resiliency, transformation


German, English


Impulse lectures
Panel talks


  • Google for Startups Warsaw, Berlin, London
  • NDR Salon
  • Daimler Digital Life Day
  • Telekom Leadership Tag
  • Re:Publica & – Denkfabrik Digitale Arbeitsgesellschaft
  • Tech Open Air Berlin
  • Emotion Women’s Day
  • Female Future Force Day
  • Zalando category leadership university
  • Manager Magazin Female Leadership Konferenz
  • Quadriga Forum
  • European Communication Summit
  • She’s Mercedes
  • Wanderlust Frankfurt, Köln, Berlin, Hamburg
  • Global Purpose Summit in Hamburg, Berlin
  • Humanity in Action
  • Kongress Heiligenfeld
  • Grace Female Startup Accelerator Program
  • GIZ tech2D Konferenz

What motivates you?
Being at service. Shaping a better (business) world for the next generations.

The best advice you have ever been given?
Your title doesn’t matter, what matters is who you are and what you do.

What are you learning right now that you still have to get good at?
Playing the guitar.

What would you chance if you had the power to do so?
Personal and systemic/societal transformation: from focus on financial growth, performance and power to co-creation, trust and conscious togetherness and the regenerative use of our planet.

Which superheroine power would you like to have?
A deep understanding of the knowledge of the universe.

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