Co-Founder und Co-Autorin Nina Lorenzen, die zu den Themen Nachhaltigkeitskommunikation, Greenwashing und Politik in der Mode Vorträge hält.
© Livia Kappler

What drives you?

The best advice you’ve ever gotten?
The only constant in life is change.

What are you learning right now that you’re not so good at yet?

What would you change if you had the power?
Abolish fast fashion.

Which superheroine power would you like to have?
Time manipulation to travel back to the nineties and prevent fast fashion.

Nina Lorenzen

Co-Founder Fashion Changers, Co-Author
Request Speaker

Nina has been involved with fair fashion & sustainability since 2013. After studying literature, her career initially took her into the literary world before she co-founded Fashion Changers in 2018, where she is part of the management team and responsible for the chief editor of Fashion Changers magazine. With her work, Nina wants to make stories in the fashion industry more visible. Today, Nina only reads books for fun and still finds it funny to see the co-written Fashion Changers book “Fashion Changers – Wie wir mit fairer Mode die Welt verändern können” (Knesebeck) on bookstore shelves. In August 2024, her essay “Unlearn Mode” will be published in the anthology “Unlearn CO2” (Ullstein), in which she writes about how the fashion industry can overcome the fossil system. In addition to Fashion Changers, Nina has also been unsuccessfully trying to monetize her useless pop-cultural knowledge for years.


Sustainability communication, greenwashing, fashion and climate, degrowth/post-growth, fashion and feminism, fashion and politics (e.g. supply chain law in Germany and the EU, EU textile strategy, current political developments in the fashion industry, corporate responsibility), community building, Fast fashion: history & alternatives




German, English


Impulse lectures
Panel talks


  • Fashion Changers Conference
  • Fashion Council Germany (webinar as part of Generation Future on Fashion & Politics)
  • Heinrich Böll Foundation (lecture on fashion & sculpture)
  • Maison de Heidelberg Montpellier (lecture on fashion & climate)
  • Fair Handeln (lectures on fair fashion myths and fashion & feminism)
  • University of Rostock (Lecture: “How can fashion drive social change?”)
  • Speech at the #fairbylaw petition handover at the Federal Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs
  • Federal Conference of Women’s and Equal Opportunities Officers at Universities (workshop on “Fashion and power: What does a gender-equitable fashion industry look like?)

What drives you?

The best advice you’ve ever gotten?
The only constant in life is change.

What are you learning right now that you’re not so good at yet?

What would you change if you had the power?
Abolish fast fashion.

Which superheroine power would you like to have?
Time manipulation to travel back to the nineties and prevent fast fashion.

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