Journalistin, Autorin und Beraterin Ronja Ebeling, die Vorträge zu den Themen Generation Z, Arbeitsmarkt und Bildungsgerechtigkeit hält.
© Marina Weigel

What drives you?
Independence for all.

The best advice you ever got?
To live by this motto: Give me the serenity to accept things I cannot change, the courage to change things I can, and the wisdom to distinguish one from the other.

What are you learning right now that you’re not so good at yet?

What would you change if you had the power to do so?
Making educational justice effective.

Which superheroine power would you like to have?
I don’t need anything like that.

Ronja Ebeling

Journalist, author and consultant on Gen Z issues
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In her two non-fiction books, #jungbesorgtabhängig and #workreloaded, journalist Ronja Ebeling explores the realities of young people’s lives. In 2021, she launched her podcast “HUNGRY MINDS – a Generation that demands”. In this format, Ronja looks at social challenges from a young perspective. Since then, she has been approached by companies from a variety of industries who have realized that they will only be able to attract this generation as employees if they seriously engage with them. Ronja helps as a consultant for the so-called “Gen Z”


Generation Z, labor market, women in the labor market, shortage of skilled workers, education system, educational equality


German, English


Impulse lectures
Panel talks


  • Würth GmbH, Training Conference 2023, Keynote: “Apprenticeship years are learning years!”
  • Dove, PR event in Hamburg, reading from the book “Jung, besorgt, abhängig” and keynote: “Which beauty ideals shape Gen Z”
  • Fronius Deutschland GmbH, internal company event, keynote & panel discussion: “Opportunities & challenges in intergenerational cooperation”
  • Engie Germany, management workshop, keynote & workshop: “Leading & promoting generations”
  • Gartenlandschaftsbauverband NRW, development & production of the video format (IG): “Macherinnen”
  • Visa, internal marketing training, keynote: “The Power of Gen Z”
  • IHK Stuttgart, Shaping Training 2023, Keynote: “Hungry Minds – What Gen Z expects from the world of work”
  • Reckitt, hosting the six-part New Work podcast “Erfolgsfunk”
  • Heimathafen Hotels, internal event, keynote: “Searching for young talent in the hotel industry”

What drives you?
Independence for all.

The best advice you ever got?
To live by this motto: Give me the serenity to accept things I cannot change, the courage to change things I can, and the wisdom to distinguish one from the other.

What are you learning right now that you’re not so good at yet?

What would you change if you had the power to do so?
Making educational justice effective.

Which superheroine power would you like to have?
I don’t need anything like that.

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