Mitgründerin, Beraterin und Vereinbarkeitsexpertin Ronja Hoffacker, die zu den Themen Führung, Dual Careers, Unternehmertum und Mental Load Vorträge hält.
Foto: Fast Forward Fotografie

What drives you?
My vision of a society in which people can decide what they want out of life, regardless of gender.

The best advice you’ve ever gotten?
The only truly limited resource is time, so think carefully about how you spend it.

What are you learning right now that you’re not so good at yet?
Spend more time offline.

What would you change if you had the power to do so?”
Fill positions of power representative of society.

Which superheroine power would you like to have?
To be able to teleport myself and others and thus no longer have to spend time on public transportation.

Ronja Hoffacker

Co-founder of equaly, consultant, compatibility expert
Request Speaker

Ronja Hoffacker is co-founder of equaly, a female-led impact startup from Cologne and Berlin with the mission to close the gender care gap. She previously worked as a management consultant at McKinsey. Ronja has been working on issues of gender equality and how norms and expectations influence individual decision-making since university.

She started her company while being on parental leave with a 6-month-old baby – this was only possible because she herself lives in an equal partnership. She realized that this is still not the norm because she was repeatedly asked by those around her how she organizes her everyday life and creates space for herself as a mother.

Ronja has already accompanied several companies through transformation processes and supported them in adapting their internal culture. As an entrepreneur, she has set herself the goal of creating the most work-life balance-friendly start-up in Germany with equaly.


Compatibility, leadership, dual careers, entrepreneurship, corporate culture, feminism, equal opportunities, care work, mental load, motherhood/parenthood, gender pay gap, motherhood penalty, equality, courage, personal story: starting a business with a baby


German, English


Impulse lectures
Panel talks


  • Emotion Women’s Day 2023, Panel: “How to change the (business) world with an idea”
  • OMR 2023, female founder pitch: “equaly – abolish the motherhood penalty”
  • Siemens Healthineers, keynote speech: “Closing the Gender Care Gap”
  • Beiersdorf, series of lectures, including: “Distributing care work & mental load better”, “Mental load over the holidays”
  • Lucanet, keynote speech: “Closing the Gender Care Gap”
  • ECREF European Centre for Refractories gGmbH, Women@Refractories 2024, seminar & networking event: „Familie & Feuerfest: über Führung und Vereinbarkeit“ (“Family & refractories: about leadership and compatibility”)
  • ACI Consulting, DE&I Summit for Industry & Commerce 2024, Panel: “Walk the Talk for Equity (chancengerechte Prozesse, Equal Pay, echte Vereinbarkeit)” (“Walk the Talk for Equity (equal opportunity processes, equal pay, real compatibility)”)
  • Startplatz Köln, Female Founders Summit 2024, „Panel: (Un)vereinbar – Gründung und Familie?“ (“Panel: (Un)compatible – founding and family?”)

What drives you?
My vision of a society in which people can decide what they want out of life, regardless of gender.

The best advice you’ve ever gotten?
The only truly limited resource is time, so think carefully about how you spend it.

What are you learning right now that you’re not so good at yet?
Spend more time offline.

What would you change if you had the power to do so?”
Fill positions of power representative of society.

Which superheroine power would you like to have?
To be able to teleport myself and others and thus no longer have to spend time on public transportation.

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