What drives you?
Shaping a better, fairer future.
The best advice you’ve ever received?
Just be the person you are.
What are you currently learning that you’re not so good at yet?
Video-based interaction analysis.
What would you change if you had the power?
Anchor children’s rights in the Basic Law.
Which superheroine power would you like to have?
Inspire gentleness in people.
Susanne Mierau
Susanne Mierau was born in Berlin in 1980. She studied at the Free University of Berlin and passed her diploma in educational science in 2006. The focus of her studies was the area of early childhood education with minor subjects in psychology and sociology. During her studies, she continued her training externally and completed further training to become a baby massage course leader and breastfeeding consultant and worked in a research project on the level of language stimulation in daycare centers with Prof. Dr. Kuno Beller and Simone Beller. After completing her studies, she initially worked in research and teaching in the early childhood education department at the Free University of Berlin and as a research assistant at PädQUIS gGmbH in the research project Family Centers NRW, attended further training courses to become a birth preparer and family companion, obtained permission to practice “Heilpraktikerin” . Finally, in 2012, she became self-employed with a practice for family support. In 2012 she also started blogging on her now well-known and successful blog geborgen-wachsen.de. She published 13 books between 2012 and 2024, including 3 SPIEGEL bestsellers. In addition to the practical work in parent counseling, she gives lectures and workshops for educational professionals and speaks at meetings and conferences. Susanne Mierau is the mother of three children.
Care work, parenthood, breaking down role stereotypes, equal care, children’s rights, child development, children and the future, family friendliness, care crisis, bonding, education
- Weleda AG, various lectures for midwifery symposium
- Keynote: Ceremony and training day 10 years of the “Family Support Centres” funding program Hand in Hand. For families. State Institute for Family Research at the University of Bamberg (ifb)
- evangelische arbeitsgemeinschaft familie e. V. symposium “Parent-child groups: The true heroes of family education”
- Landesarbeitsgemeinschaft der bayerischen Familienbildungsstätten, Ideal, real or
whatever? Pedagogical symposium, lecture “Rebel Girls” – Breaking down stereotypical family images in a feminist way” - Sat.1, „So gesehen – Talk am Sonntag“
What drives you?
Shaping a better, fairer future.
The best advice you’ve ever received?
Just be the person you are.
What are you currently learning that you’re not so good at yet?
Video-based interaction analysis.
What would you change if you had the power?
Anchor children’s rights in the Basic Law.
Which superheroine power would you like to have?
Inspire gentleness in people.