Foto: © Paula Winkler

Teresa Bücker

Freelance journalist, author, moderator
Request Speaker

As a journalist, Teresa Bücker has been working on contemporary and future sociopolitical issues for over fifteen years. Since 2019, she has been writing the column “Freie Radikale” for the Süddeutsche Zeitung Magazin as well as her own newsletter Zwischenzeit_en. She is part of “Die feministische Presserunde”, a monthly online format on current political topics.

As a moderator, she hosts the rbb24 format “Jetzt mal konkret”, moderates literature events and political formats. In the fall of 2022, her first non-fiction book Alle_Zeit was published by Ullstein Verlag.

Until June 2019, she headed the online magazine EDITION F as editor-in-chief. She was awarded “Journalist of the Year” in 2017, as well as in 2019 and 2022 in the category “Culture”.

At conferences, on television, and in workshops, she regularly discusses the changing world of work, justice, power, sexual self-determination, family policy, and children’s rights. Always from a feminist perspective, with an eye on shaping possibilities and a desire for change. Her contributions to discussions are so intelligent and clear that after a talk show about her, SPIEGEL Online wrote that “one would like to have her in every show, regardless of the topic.”

Her career began in 2008 when “der Freitag” discovered her blog and hired her as community chief – pioneering work. Since then, she has been working at the interface of journalism, social networks, and technology. She advised the SPD for four years as a digital strategist – first the party leadership, then the parliamentary group.
Teresa Bücker is passionate about developing new organizations, departments, and formats, having helped building the women’s portal EDITION F in 2014.



Sociopolitics, sexual health, power, feminism, equality, wok, New Work, family politics, fairness, children‘s rights, our times, current politics


German, English


Impulse lectures
Panel talks


  • Medientage München
  • Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung
  • Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung
  • Deutscher Frauenrat
  • pro Familia e.V.
  • Holtzbrinck Berlin – Inspire Together
  • various publishers and publications

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