Co-Gründerin und Autorin Olaolu Fajembola, die zu den Themen Rassismus, diversitätssensible Pädagogik, Feminismus, Patriachat und Weiblichkeit Vorträge hält.
Foto: © Cristina S. Salgar

What motivates you?
My optimism, still, and despite.

The best advice you have ever been given?
Trust yourself, you already know the answer.

What are you learning right now that you still have to get good at?
Negotiating budgets, see you own value, setting boundaries.

What would you chance if you had the power to do so?
A deeply felt human interest to learn from the mistakes of the past, to be courageous, to believe in utopias and to strive to achieve them.

Which superheroine power would you like to have?
Protecting your private life, being able to switch off and pause, less impostors.

Olaolu Fajembola

Co-founder Tebalou, Author
Request Speaker

Olaolu Fajembola is a central voice in diversity-sensitive and racism-critical early childhood education work. Together with Tebogo Nimindé-Dundadengar, she founded the online shop Tebalou, which was awarded by the German government and offers toys for a diverse society.

Both published the bestseller Gib mir mal die Hautfarbe: Mit Kindern über Rassismus sprechen (Give me the skin-coloured pencil: Talk to children about racism) in 2021 and offer empowerment and diversity-sensitive workshops and seminars that are particularly in demand among educational professionals.

Olaolu Fajembola was named one of the 100 Women of the Year in FOCUS in both 2020 and 2021. She is a cultural scientist (M.A.), author and entrepreneur. She lives, loves, laughs, and (sometimes) argues with her daughter in Berlin.


Racism, diversity-sensitive education/upbringing, feminism, patriarchy, education, diversity, femininity, Feminism: motherhood, feminiity, female founding and entrepreneurship, modern identity politics


German, English


Impulse lectures
Panel talks


  • Spielwarenmesse Nürnberg, Toy Business Forum „Diversität als Erfolgsstrategie – Vielfalt im Kinderzimmer“ (Diversity as a Success Strategy – Multiplicity in Children‘s Rooms)
  • Public library and Augsburg city „Onkel Tom und Pippi Langstrumpf in Lummerland? Mit Kindern rassismuskritisch lesen“ (Uncle Tom and Pippi Langstrumpf in Lummerland? Racism-critical reading with kids)
  • Göttinger education congress: „Diversität, vorurteilskritische und diversitätssensible Pädagogik“ (Diversity, prejudice-critical and diversity-sensitive education)
  • Kulturhistorisches Museum Magdeburg: „Vielfalt und Nostalgie! Rassismuskritischer Umgang mit alten und neuen Kinderbüchern!“ (Diversity and nostalgia! Racism-critical treatment of old and new children’s books)
  • Workshops: Hamburg university, Child Protection League: „Kindheit ohne Rassismus: Vorurteilsbewusste Erziehung in Kita und Schule“ (Childhood without racism: Prejudice-critical education in pre-school and school)
  • Socio-educational training institute Berlin-Brandenburg: „Antirassistische Pädagogik als Grundstein für eine empowernde und sichere Schule“ (Anti-racist education as basis for an empowering and safe school)
  • Mettmann county: „Mit Kindern über Rassismus sprechen“ (Talking with kids about racism)
  • Deutsches Filminstitut Filmmuseum: „How do I talk with young kids about racism and discrimination?”
  • Panel: Handelskongress „Diversity in der Unternehmenswelt“ (Diversity in the working world)

What motivates you?
My optimism, still, and despite.

The best advice you have ever been given?
Trust yourself, you already know the answer.

What are you learning right now that you still have to get good at?
Negotiating budgets, see you own value, setting boundaries.

What would you chance if you had the power to do so?
A deeply felt human interest to learn from the mistakes of the past, to be courageous, to believe in utopias and to strive to achieve them.

Which superheroine power would you like to have?
Protecting your private life, being able to switch off and pause, less impostors.

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